Self-Love: It’s time to GO DEEP (no more scratching the surface)

What does it really mean to love yourself?

Self-Love & Spirituality concepts sound so nice and fluffy on the surface, but I am not interested in dwelling in the fluff any more. Sugar coating my life has never worked for me. Sweeping the dust and grime under the rug eventually will cause a stench too putrid to ignore.

Embodying self-love and living a truly spiritual life means GOING DEEP… into the depths.

It means being willing to shake up our worlds and experience all kinds of uncomfortable feelings. It means taking chances and listening to our hearts even if those around us don’t agree. It means paying attention and listening to the inner guidance that comes in. It means facing our fears and darkness with compassion, patience and trust.

It doesn’t just mean booking a monthly massage or taking a 2-week holiday somewhere exotic and tropical.

It means all of the messy and ugly things. It means falling down and getting back up. It means failing and stumbling. It means making mistakes and repeating old patterns until we just can’t anymore.

It means being OK with all of that.

It NEVER means perfection or doing life “right”. It means total integration of light and dark. Total acceptance of self (all flaws and gifts together).

True Self-Love means surrendering EVERYTHING.

It means complete and utter TRUST in the process of life.

It means relinquishing the need to control and know everything in advance.

Self-love is self-acceptance and staying true to who it is that we are. I don’t know about you, but I continue to be on this journey of self-love. It is a wild and wonderful ride at times. It is a painful and exhausting one, too. I’m just glad to be on the path with you, dear one!

Let Go. Into the depths.

Trust that you will be held there.

Trust that the light is always on.

Even when you can’t see.

The love that you are looking for is your own.

The acceptance that you are looking for is your own.

The forgiveness that you are looking for is your own.

The longing you feel is YOU longing for YOU and your love.

The abandonment you feel is the abandonment you feel from yourself.

The rejection is your own rejection of YOU

The hole in your life is an illusion.

There is no hole. There is only wholeness.

You haven’t missed out on anything, you have only missed YOU.

You don’t need anyone’s approval, you only need to approve of yourself.

You don’t need validation from any outside source.

Validate YOU.

Be your biggest cheerleader.

Be your #1 fan.

Be your biggest Lover.

Don’t be afraid to GO DEEP.

It is safe and you are held.

Come home to yourself.

With love,



Let there be Grace


In the Womb